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AsteRx SB3: next-gen GNSS receiver in a ruggedized enclosure

By GeoConnexion - 19th August 2021 - 13:45

Septentrio, a provider of high-precision GNSS positioning solutions, announces the launch of the AsteRx SB3 receiver family, enclosed in an IP68 housing. This receiver offers superior availability of RTK high-accuracy positioning due to its ability to track a wide variety of signals from all currently operating Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), including not only GPS and GLONASS but also the European Galileo and Chinese BeiDou. Even in dual antenna mode AsteRx SB3 uses triple-frequency tracking to maximize robustness and availability of its heading angles. The new product line includes two types of receivers, both offering unique triple-band sub-degree GNSS heading. The first, AsteRx SB3 Pro, is a high-performance rover receiver featuring the latest core GNSS+ algorithms for maximal reliability and availability in challenging environments, such as near high structures or under foliage.

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