The basic supply of weather information provided by the German Weather Service (DWD) is used in many ways, refined and offered again as specialized products. The recently completed project DeepRain, funded by the German Ministry of Research (BMBF) and led by Forschungszentrum Jülich, has contributed to the evolution of such services. In the consortium, Jacobs (now: Constructor) University was in charge of the weather and climate datacubes. The researchers took additional experts on board using part of the budget tasking French company Spatialys to extend the widely used reprojection open-source tool PROJ with support for rotated coordinates. As a consequence, PROJ can now transform rotated “weather coordinates” into standard GIS coordinates. This functionality has since become an official part of PROJ. Thus, an obstacle on the way to GIS integration of weather data has been removed through joint work by researchers and open-source developers. www.rasdaman.com