Vexcel Imaging announced the next camera release based on Vexcel Imaging’s 4th generation camera architecture, the UltraCam Condor 4.1. The unique camera design consists of a very wide, high-resolution RGB array that delivers the utmost resolution and flying efficiency due to its impressive across track footprint of 48,462 pixels. The system also features a lower resolution rectangular NIR for classification projects and a lower resolution rectangular PAN for producing highly accurate DSMs and DTMs through dense matching. Due to the rectangular image footprint, frontlap of 85% is obtained for maximum dense matching quality. This breadth of functionality eliminates the need for additional flights by other sensors, given that all necessary data sets can be derived from a single UltraCam Condor 4.1 flight.
UltraCam Condor 4.1 is released
By GeoConnexion - 26th January 2022 - 17:02