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Maptitude Now Has 2 Million New Zealand Address Points

By [email protected] - 21st August 2017 - 09:56

Address data in New Zealand continues to boost the economy because of shrewd moves by the New Zealand government. Initiatives under the Business Growth Agenda and the Open Government Partnership are making public data more available for the benefit of everyone in New Zealand. With precedent in only a few countries these “open data” initiatives provide significant boosts to the host economy. By integrating the now freely available Address Information Management System (AIMS) addresses into Maptitude, the value of the mapping software is even more unassailable and empowers even non-techie users with map aptitude. When you know where every single address in the country is, the possibilities for geospatial analysis are limitless. When you have direct access to this data for visualization, research, and address matching, then you will be empowered to achieve what would otherwise require a significant investment and a specialized education.