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Let's put data first

By GeoConnexion - 1st March 2023 - 18:07

With the right information, we can change the world – or save it

Recording as much information as possible, as accurately as possible, has always been one of the main goals of surveying. Only if we know the world in detail will we be able to plan and make the right decisions.

But never has it been more important that we know those details. Fortunately, thanks to the work of the geospatial industry, we can now obtain the best data we’ve even been able to.

On page 24 of this issue is one of the clearest examples of the importance of accurate information. Road traffic is vital to the economy and people’s lives, but it is contributing to global warming and lives are lost to both its emissions and road accidents. But countries around the world plan to cut emissions and fatalities anywhere from 50% to 100%. How can they achieve this? Lida Joly explains how traffic analytics will be key.

Renewable energy will also be vital in fighting climate change. But projects to build more generators are often held back by data challenges. On page 30, Sandra Merten argues that putting data first will enable organisations to meet the world’s sustainable development goals.

Change is the key word in both of those articles. But change can be small-scale, as well as global. Berlin has long been a haven for LGBT people, but some of the city’s most important places are disappearing. On page 26, we look at how an artist is using laser scanning to record those sites – before they’re gone forever.

I hope you enjoy the issue.

Rob Buckley


[email protected]

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