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1Spatial Technology Makes German Mapping Authorities 40% Faster

By [email protected] - 17th May 2017 - 15:49

1Spatial automated map generalisation has resulted in a 40 percent improvement in production time for the participating members of AdV, the surveying and mapping committee in Germany. AdV had previously worked to a five year production cycle however, this was no longer meeting the demands of customers who required information to be updated more regularly, and in shorter periods. Twelve of the 16 AdV member states decided to develop an automatic process to speed up production and reduce manual effort, and founded the IP-ATKIS-Gen project group. 1Spatial was selected as the IP-ATKIS-Gen partner for one of the largest generalisation projects in Europe. Together the two organisations developed an automated, “context-aware” solution using 1Spatial’s experience and software tools. The map data was harmonised and the solution used across the member states, reducing the production cycle from five to three years, marking a 40 per cent improvement.