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GRASS GIS 7.2.0RC2 released

By [email protected] - 28th November 2016 - 18:01

We are pleased to announce the second release candidate of GRASS GIS 7.2.0

What's new in a nutshell

This is the second release candidate of the upcoming major release GRASS GIS 7.2.0.

The new GRASS GIS 7.2.0RC2 release provides more than 1950 stability fixes and manual improvements compared to the stable releases 7.0.x.

About GRASS GIS 7: Its graphical user interface supports the user to make complex GIS operations as simple as possible. The updated Python interface to the C library permits users to create new GRASS GIS-Python modules in a simple way while yet obtaining powerful and fast modules. Furthermore, the libraries were significantly improved for speed and efficiency, along with support for huge files. A lot of effort has been invested to standardize parameter and flag names. Finally, GRASS GIS 7 comes with a series of new modules to analyse raster and vector data, along with a full temporal framework. For a detailed overview, see the list of new features. As a stable release series, 7.2.x enjoys long-term support.

Binaries/Installer download:

  • winGRASS 7.2.0RC2: 32bit standalone installer | 64bit standalone installer
  • winGRASS 7.2.0RC2 OSGeo4W - testing area: 32bit OSGeo4W installer | 64bit OSGeo4W installer
  • Debian installer
  • ubuntugis-experimental (xenial, trusty)
  • ... further binary packages for various Linux distributions and Mac OSX will follow shortly.

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