The rasdaman datacube engine now is embedded in a 360° datacube offer for optimized data management and analytics in all practical situations: on premise, in a serverless cloud, datacubes-to-go, or all of that seamlessly federated - any required constellation can now be optimally supported.
They are called Cube2Go, Cube@Home, MyCube and Cube4All - four offerings which allow to provide cross-border and cross-level datasets in a comprehensive and harmonized way. This flexibility enables new opportunities to specifically address the individual requirements of data users and providers, going beyond the traditional model of operating an own licensed server.
The 360° datacube offering includes
- MyCube: the managed cloud service
- Cube@Home: the customized on-premise infrastructure
- Cube2Go: data cube access to multi-Petabytes of public EO data as convenient datacubes
Cube4All: the location-transparent federation capability, such as used by EarthServer, a community of international data centers and DIASs.
For providers, this offers significant added value for all needs: From data harmonization over data management to analytics services rasdaman provides the complete and future-proof range of products and services for spatial data to the highest degree.
Users remain in the comfort zone of their well-known clients, and established work processes and workflows are preserved and data maintenance is fully automated while benefitting from established know-how of experts. A versatile dashboard allows a quick setup of portals, from kiosk mode to expert analytics.
Just recently, the European Commission has acknowledged rasdaman Web Coverage Service (WCS) as the first INSPIRE-validated download service and official INSPIRE Good Practice fully meeting EU requirements using the WCS.

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