Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software company Cadcorp has updated its cloud services offering to include a new Data Service.
The managed service provides direct access to a wide range of open data directly from a secure Cadcorp datastore. The service will allow customers to easily access data overlays within Cadcorp SIS Desktop and Cadcorp SIS WebMap. The new service was launched and demonstrated today at the Cadcorp Local Government Conference.
The Cadcorp Data Service provides a central location for numerous datasets from multiple organisations. Open data suppliers include: British Geological Survey; Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities; Environment Agency; Historic England; Natural England; and Ordnance Survey. As part of the managed service, Cadcorp will keep the datastore updated and plans to add both additional data sets and data suppliers.
The new service is the latest addition to a range of Cadcorp cloud services. Cadcorp customers are already benefiting from cloud hosted and managed GIS software, web mapping, spatial databases, and map services. The new Cadcorp Data Service will be provided to all existing customers who subscribe to the SIS WebMap or SIS Desktop in the cloud. Customers that have on-premise software can purchase a standalone subscription.
Gary Randle, Sales Director at Cadcorp commented: “As more organisations migrate their GIS and web mapping software to the cloud, the new datastore is a great addition to the Cadcorp cloud service. Customers can benefit from a managed cloud service for desktop GIS, web mapping, spatial databases, maps and data. No customer hardware or related IT resource is required, Cadcorp will load and manages all updates as part of the service.”

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