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62% of Road Users say the state of UK Roads are in decline

By [email protected] - 31st August 2016 - 19:14

Almost Two-Thirds of Road Users Believe the State of UK Roads has Declined over Past Five Years - Call for councils to act now to address public concerns over road deterioration

Leamington Spa, UK 31/08/2016 – Nearly two-thirds (62%) of road users believe that the overall state of our roads and surrounding infrastructure has declined over the past five years, according to a new survey carried out by technology company Yotta.

The survey revels widespread public dissatisfaction with the UK road network. For example, demonstrating the seriousness of the issue, more than a quarter of respondents (28%) say they have experienced damage to their vehicle because of road imperfections.

“In the light of this survey, Philip Hammond’s announcement that Britain will continue to fund EU infrastructure projects post-Brexit will be warmly welcomed. However, councils and local authorities urgently need to wake up to their responsibilities in maintaining this infrastructure and recognise the strength of feeling from the public,” says Simon Topp, director of marketing and international business, Yotta.

“When we asked our sample about government cuts in spending on the road network, 29% - the highest percentage overall, saw some cuts as necessary, but wondered why local roads had to bear the brunt, while spending on major highways was largely protected. Another 26% regarded funding cuts on local roads as ‘unacceptable’. There’s a general feeling that the standard of upkeep has got worse, but without urgent action, is likely to deteriorate further.”

When asked what single improvement a council could make to the local road network that would most positively impact their quality of life, more than half (55%) of those polled answered “fill in local potholes”.

Read More: Data Capture Cartography Central Government Municipal Government Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC)

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